CBD Skin Care Recipes: The Top 10 | DR. K CBD

What is CBD How does it differ from other cannabin Before we get into the benefits of using CBD Facial Cream in your skincare regimen, here are a few frequently asked questions. Is it going to make me crave a bag of Doritos and a bottle of salsa? Is it possible that I'll be glued to Miles Davis records at 4:00 a.m.? The question is whether or not it is even legal. The differences between CBD, THC, hemp, marijuana, and cannabis are still widely misunderstood; here is a quick primer. The cannabis plant, which includes hemp and marijuana, is the same species. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component in marijuana, has a 0.3 percent or higher concentration in marijuana, while hemp has a 0.3 percent or lower concentration. A non-psychoactive cannabinoid called CBD (cannabidiol) is found in both of these products, and it has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic applications (in addition to being great for your skin). Is it true that CBD makes you feel euphoric C...