If you really think about it, we perceive the world with our hands.

They assist us in making breakfast in the morning and, of course, immortalise it on social media before taking care of our daily beauty regimen. When we are finally prepared to go to work, it is our hands who fish out the much-needed parking change and work nonstop till late in the day.

We find ourselves wondering how Italians do all of that and also communicate with their hands at the conclusion of a busy, handshake-filled day.

We have a sore hand.

In these strange times, we wash our hands more frequently than ever, which is admirable, but it also causes the sensitive skin there to dry up, itch, and break more quickly. Although soap may be able to remove dirt and bacteria from the skin, it also unfortunately destroys natural lipids that are crucial for the epidermis's protective function. Due to the distinct structure of the skin on our hands compared to the rest of our body, this creates the most problems. The most noticeable distinction is the lack of sebaceous glands on the hands, which are in charge of producing sebum, which then provides the skin with lipids and other necessary moisture-binding compounds. In other words, because the hands have less sebaceous glands than other areas of the body, they are much worse at absorbing moisture and drier as a result. Additionally, the dryness of our hands is exacerbated by the particularly chilly winter weather outside.

Recommendations for dry hands

The signs of dry skin on the hands can vary greatly; in the mildest form, the hands are dry, sensitive, and occasionally even red; nevertheless, as the condition worsens, the skin may start to crack or become flaky and uncomfortable tight in certain places. Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and other allergens that exacerbate the imbalance of the fragile skin on our hands can quickly develop when the skin is under stress. To assist you in taking care of your hands, we have put together a few pointers.

1. Modify how you wash your hands.

Even though washing our hands frequently, especially with abrasive soaps and warm water, might cause dry hands, doing so is one of the most efficient hygiene practices that protects us from germs and diseases. We advise washing your hands with lukewarm water and a gentle soap that preserves the pH level of the skin.

2.Use the CBD Hand Cream

Consider your hands frequently! Every time you wash your hands, we advise using
CBD Hand Cream because it has a high lipid content and forms a barrier to keep moisture from draining out of the skin and drying it out. In addition to rehydrating the skin, the cream's oils also have CBD, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The fact that the CBD Hand Cream is non-greasy and immediately absorbed into the skin is another significant advantage.

75 ml of CBD Hand Cream

Due to its velvety texture, this calming treatment is the perfect ally for your hands at any time of day. It rapidly calms and softens the skin, replenishing lost lipids and hydration. without leaving a greasy finish, protects and encourages the skin's natural healing activities. Important elements: Hemp Seed oil thoroughly hydrates, softens, and nourishes. With the right balance of omega fats, the hydrolipidic layer of the skin is strengthened and is better protected. In addition to being relaxing and anti-inflammatory, CBD. It balances the skin once again and shields it from environmental oxidative stress. Lavender, geranium, and tea tree essential oils work together to have a mild antimicrobial, restorative, and calming effect.

3. Two gloves every day prevent dry skin.

We advise you to use protective gloves whenever you are dealing with water or detergents and warm gloves while you are outside in the cold because contact dermatitis of the hands is frequent in persons who have a lot of contact with water. Apply a thick layer of CBD Cream UK before bed, then put on soft cotton gloves for an intense restorative therapy. Gloves can also be a fantastic midnight treatment.

4. Gently clean

Avoid using soaps with artificial foaming agents and fragrances frequently since they can aggravate already irritated skin. Instead, opt for natural soaps that clean your skin without drying it out. Dry your hands completely after washing them, paying special attention to the skin in the spaces between your fingers. Try to avoid rubbing them dry; instead, use a blotting motion. And here's a piece of advice: stay away from disinfectants at home, and only use them when hand washing is not an option.

CBD Cream UK

Since our hands are the window to the outside world, it is crucial that we treat them with respect. They are our Beatrice's Dante. They always give to us, yet we frequently do not reciprocate their affection. Because of this, the Hemp touch team created this CBD Cream UK, which will instantly calm your hands and replenish lost lipids and moisture. The hand cream has been purposely created in a distinctive way, much like all of our other products, with each of the carefully chosen ingredients serving a particular purpose. With an optimal ratio of omega fats, hemp seed oil increases the hydrolipidic layer of the skin, nourishes, softens, and deeply repairs it. This results in improved protection. CBD has calming and anti-inflammatory effects; it balances the skin and shields it from environmental oxidative stress. Lavender, geranium, and tea tree essential oil blend is gently antimicrobial, restorative, and calming, yet it also swiftly dissolves into the skin and doesn't interfere with daily activities.

Take care of yourself first, then take care of others.

Naturally, the CBD Cream UK most crucial benefit is that it facilitates the formation of new friendships. During your upcoming social gathering or business meeting, someone might inquire, "Does anyone have some hand cream?" You have the chance to stand out as the ideal candidate for the job at hand. Everyone values individuals who are open to sharing, after all.


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