Does CBD Reduce Pain in the Muscles and Joints | Dr. K CBD

 Nowadays, cannabidiol is everywhere you look and is constantly being discussed (CBD). There are a ton of choices—creams, tinctures, salves, lozenges, candies, you name it—and a ton of compelling arguments for its advantages, including the reduction of joint and muscular pain.

Is CBD worth the hype, though, given the excitement and the abundance of products on the market? (TLDR: There is a lot of potentials, but there hasn't been enough research done to be certain.)

Here are some fundamentals to help you make an informed selection and comprehend the science behind the experience if you are thinking about taking

CBD Joint Rub for pain treatment.

What is CBD (cannabidiol)?

A molecule from plants called CBD, whose medical applications date back thousands of years, is found in the Cannabis family of plants. It is a particular class of chemical known as a cannabinoid, which, when ingested into your body, can change how you feel and operate.

At least 144 cannabinoids have been found in cannabis plants so far, according to researchers (Urits, 2020). The two most well-known are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is well-known for its capacity to make you "high," and CBD.

In recent years, CBD Joint Rub has become well-known as a widely used natural treatment for a variety of issues, such as pain, anxiety, nausea, and seizures.

How does  CBD Joint Cream UK function?

On how precisely  CBD Joint Cream UK functions, the jury is still out. It interacts with your body's endocannabinoid system, according to scientists, which may aid with common ailments (ECS).

Researchers think that the ECS, a mechanism of cell communication, aids in maintaining homeostasis (the equilibrium of your body's internal environment). The ECS is thought to aid in reducing stress, pain, and inflammation if you've been sidelined by an injury or infection, for instance.

Endocannabinoids are substances that your body naturally makes and which, when required, activate the ECS. The actions of your body and brain can be affected by cannabinoids like CBD and THC, which can imitate endocannabinoids (Batalla, 2020).

What distinguishes CBD Joint Rub from CBD Joint Cream UK?

Given that both CBD Joint Rub and CBD Joint Cream UK are cannabinoids, you might be curious to know how they differ. Here are a few crucial examples:

Whether you're high or not, CBD Joint Cream UK  and CBD Joint Rub affect your ECS in distinct ways. CBD Joint Cream UK  appears to activate the ECS with far more impact than CBD, leading to a variety of experiences ranging from mood-altering feelings of being high to unfavorable consequences like paranoia and anxiety. Instead of producing the same potent feelings of euphoria or intoxication, CBD Joint Cream UK  appears to sufficiently engage the ECS to help with pain, nausea, and other issues.

CBD Joint Rub vs. CBD Joint Cream UK:

 The origins of CBD Joint Rub and CBD Joint Cream UK, as well as the rules governing their use, vary. CBD must be derived from the hemp plant, which has less than 0.3% THC, for it to be sold legally (federally). Common terms for any cannabis plant that has more than 0.3% THC include marijuana, weed, pot, and, increasingly, cannabis.

(There is some debate and ambiguity over the names and botany of cannabis, so don't be startled if you become dazed even without changing your ECS system! The legal THC limitations in cannabis products might vary from state to state, making the situation even murkier. Your best bet is to visit the website for your state to learn more about the rules that apply to you.)

Need a prescription?

The government does not regulate CBD the same way it does marijuana because CBD products contain very little THC. This means that using CBD Joint Cream UK derived from hemp for medical purposes is legal without a prescription. Typically, a prescription is needed for any substance with a THC content of 0.3% or higher, such as medical marijuana.

Can CBD aid in pain relief?

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence, but not enough research has been done to provide a conclusive answer. However, preliminary research, particularly for some forms of pain, shows encouraging signs.

For instance, one study discovered that CBD Joint Rub can lessen the need for opioids in those with chronic pain (Capano, 2019).

According to additional research, CBD Joint Rub may be able to reduce nerve pain, which is the burning, tingling, stinging, and itching caused by damaged nerves brought on by diseases like diabetes or shingles (Urtis, 2020).

More research has revealed that CBD Joint Rub helps lessen the pain and suffering associated with multiple sclerosis's muscle symptoms (Whiting, 2015; Koppel 2014).

But not all studies support the benefits of CBD Joint Cream UK. Applying 150 mg of CBD Joint Cream UK immediately after, 24 hours after, and 48 hours after working out did not affect muscular soreness and inflammation, according to a 2021 study examining the effects of CBD Joint Cream UK on exercise-induced muscle damage in men (Cochrane-Snyman, 2021).

It's also debatable if CBD Joint Rub helps reduce osteoarthritis pain. Data from a review paper from 2016 revealed that applying CBD Joint Rub to rats' skin reduced discomfort and joint swelling (Hammell, 2016). However, a recent study comparing using Muscle Rub Heat to not taking it in persons with hip and knee osteoarthritis found no significant difference (Deckey, 2021). But scientists from all fields—including the earlier paper's authors—agree that further human research is required before we can be certain.

Studies also suggest that CBD and THC together may be the best combo for treating pain. Several nations have authorized medications that combine THC and CBD to treat particular forms of pain.

CBD might be beneficial but use caution.

CBD might be beneficial, depending on the kind of pain you experience. But Jim Fiechtl, MD, a sports medicine doctor at Dr-K, says there are still many things to think about and learn about CBD and pain management.

According to Dr. Fiechtl, "I generally keep an open mind about most therapy choices as long as they don't cause harm." "There are many aspects of pain that we are still learning about, just as there are many aspects of CBD that we are still learning about. You might benefit from it, but it also might not.

It's vital to keep in mind that CBD products can interfere with some prescription drugs if you're thinking about taking them. Additionally, be mindful of the variety on the market because CBD products are not regulated.

Dr. Fiechtl advises using a product that has been third-party, independently examined for its components, and from a company that can give a certificate of analysis—proof of what's in the bottle—because CBD products are not FDA regulated.

You need the correct facts to make an informed decision, just like with any other product you use on or in your body. Whether you're thinking about taking CBD for pain treatment, we suggest speaking with a doctor or a member of the Dr. K care team to see if CBD may be a good fit for you.


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